"We Will Rock You - Queen" by Almagor cabin B-6 Sharone cabin G-4's photo shoot of sneaking into different areas of camp! Super cute! "Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars" by Almagor cabin B-4 "Wannabe - Spice Girls" by Ayelet cabin G-10
This week in the Tarbut (World Culture program at Sabra) focus, campers learned the “Haka," a traditional Maori warrior chant that the New Zealand All Blacks rugby team performs before every game. The words translate to “It is death, it is life. Climb higher towards the sun and someday we will find peace.” Campers then spent the next day playing rugby with the fitness focus. The final day of the focus was spent cooking damper bread and tropical fruit kebabs over a fire! Yum!
"Hey Soul Sister - Train" by Sharone cabin G-3 "Don't Stop Believing - Journey" by Ayelet cabin G-17 "You Belong with Me - Taylor Swift" by Habonim cabin G-13 Almagor cabin B-3